Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Testimony of Miraculous Healing

I get a theme every New Year's Day from the Lord. I always anticipate the theme and eagerly look forward to my date with Jesus to hear what the new year theme will be. This year Missio Lux held a 24 hour prayer to prepare for not just a new year, but a whole new decade. I signed up from between 5 and 7 am to be ready to receive what Jesus had to share with me.

I couldn't sleep the night before so I started reading a book called "Releasing the Power of Jesus" by Bill Johnson. The big idea of the book was that telling testimonies builds faith for people to believe that God is a healing God. My mind started going and before long I found it hard to go to sleep.

Amazingly, the next morning every Scripture that I was directed to read was about testimonies. I even found the word testimony in some of the passages. I remember writing in my journal: "Lord, I would love to be giving testimonies about these miracles but I have a blank in my life experiences for them." I wrote in the margin, "I feel like he is going to bring these experiences to reality in 2010."

So, the theme for 2010 became: "Kingdom Testimonies" God is going to bring testimonies of healing through realities of miracles, signs and wonders, healings, deliverances and harvests, which will increase the faith of people to believe for more of the supernatural moves of God which will continue to build a momentum of people recognizing the powerful God we serve.

I didn't have to wait long for a kingdom testimonyt to take place. Just a couple of weeks into January, a beloved man in Pine Lake's congregation had a massive heart attack and was actually revived from not having a pulse. The drs warned that hope for recovery was slight at best.

When I heard the news of how bad of shape he was in, I told the Lord, "I am not going to bring the Healing Prayer Team to pray unless you make it abundantly clear that you are calling us to go and pray for life in this man. " Heaven and earth moved and the path was cleared so that the only thing we could do is take a team to go and pray for full and complete healing.

The waiting room was filled with very sad and devastated people. It reminded me of the story of Dorcas where everyone is crying as they remembered all the wonderful things that she had done for them. Peter knew that her work on earth wasn't done so he boldly went in and prayed for her dead body to be made alive again!

The Missio Lux prayer team knew that basically this man was being kept alive by machines, so our assignment was to pray for life to come from death. We didn't do this alone, there were literally people all over the world praying for God to do a miracle.

But, we were able to lay hands on his body and proclaim that the body that was present would be fully and completely healed; heart, brain, and all! He didn't sit up that moment because he was in a drug induced coma and we had to wait for it to be removed.

The next day the news was great. He was responding and they took him off the heart pump. His heart began to beat on his own. That night, however, he coded 5 times and he was resusitated. The roller coaster of walking in faith was challenging. I wanted to question what I had believed God spoke about his desire to heal. But, we stood firm and continued to declare life over his body.

God responded. Saturday afternoon he took a great turn for the better and was able to greet his neighbors that night when they came to visit!

The news about his recovery continues to be miraculous. The latest word is that the doctors and nurses are amazed; a word that is used over and over in the Gospels and Acts whenever a miracle happens.

I believe that this year will continue to be an "amazing year" for the Body of Christ as we begin to have testimonies of God's supernatural intervention in our lives that far surpasses anything that we have ever witnessed to this point.

Let's keep each other posted.

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